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2011-05-03 20:22:55
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Talim's Photography

A few things will be added 'here and there'
Feel free to comment

I am [Rainbow Dragonflies] and all of these images are mine. Don't be dumb - obey the terms and conditions and do not touch. They are not for use anywhere but here and my other sites unless given permission. Thank you.

NAVIGATION: Click the images to see the various pages with more photos. Enjoi.


These will be in sets of 10.
And will more than likely end at the end of the school year (2010)
There will more than likely be one every three weeks or so.
These are for my Digital Photography/Imaging class.

TM i / TM ii / TM iii / TM iV / TM V / TM Vi / TM Vii / TM Viii / TM iX
TM Comp Project
TM Grayscale Project
TM Composite Project

Taken with a Canon Rebel XSi

Newer and Newer.

Talim's Tea Party Winter
The Tea Party Winter.
Talim's Painted Islands
The Painted Islands.
Talim's Painted Islands II
More Painted Islands.
Talim's Hot and Cold
Hot and Cold

Talim's Golden World
The Golden World

Talim goes to Squaw Valley

Squaw Valley
Squaw Valley Spring

Talim goes to Mexico

Questionable 2
Questionable 3

Talim goes to the Rainforest

Campbell Tree Grove
On Dat Hoh, Yo
Olympic National Rainforest
On Dat Hoh, Yo II
The Hoh River

Talim goes to Europe

Talim goes to England
Talim goes to France
Talim goes to Belgium
Talim goes to the Netherlands

Taken with a Panasonic Lumix

Oldies but Goodies

Talim's Glorious Beginning
The Glorious Beginning.
Talim's Comical Nebula
The Comical Nebula.
Talim's Blackberry Creek
Our Blackberry Creek.
Talim's Screaming Dance Party
The Screaming Dance Party.
Talim's Falling Out Of Trees
She's Falling Out of Trees.

Talim's Smells like Summer
She Smells Like Summer.
Talim's Awesome Adventure
The Awesome Adventure.
Talim's High Life
The High Life

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2007-07-19 [smakeupfx]: The colors of those bean pods are amazing :)  where did the rainbow lead?

2007-07-19 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: :D They're at the edge of my property - it was a really strange thing to see. All of their leaves are bright green cept a certain few that are really deep red. Really odd.

Up about a mile into my neighbor's property xD; in the middle of the creek, noless.

2007-07-19 [smakeupfx]: a creek?  wet pot of gold ;-)

2007-07-19 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: XD You bet.

2007-07-19 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: I've been checking back all day to see if the hummingbirds outside wanted to come down, but I haven't seen them X_x we need to get some stuff for the feeders - ants are getting into them so they're not exactly what the Hummingbird's want

2007-07-20 [smakeupfx]: Hummingbirds love cheese, have you tried that? ;-)

2007-07-20 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: That's definatly a new one XD

2007-08-31 [Viking]: Beautiful pics!

2007-09-02 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: o: Gracias.

2009-03-24 [smakeupfx]: That is the smallest "click for my photos" button i've ever tired to click with my shaking overworked mouse finger XD

2009-03-24 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: XD the.. entire.. photo is my link.
XD you click the picture of the bee, not the text.

2009-03-24 [smakeupfx]: my work firewall blocked the pic, so it was one of those 1mm squares.... (that's tiny in rest of the world measure ;-)

2009-03-25 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: Hah! XD I laugh at you.
Why were you looking through at work, huh?

2009-03-25 [smakeupfx]: em...well... yeah, cause I didn't want to work, I may have a problem with Procrastination... but I can quite anytime I want to ;-P

2009-11-11 [Guishy]: it said feel free to comment. so i am...even though i could just walk ten feet to your room and tell you "HEY! nice job."


but your sleeping :(

its 8 20 and your mom is yelling at me about how i need to stay so she dosnt have to do anything. XD

we need to get video camera like, set up 24/7 cause, the shit that goes on in this family, we could make millions off a tv show

2011-03-21 [Akayume]: I love the pictures! :D

2011-03-21 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: :D I haven't done an upload in forever. Mainly because I haven't had time to go out and take photos, but also because it's cold (and also because I'm lazy).

2011-03-21 [Akayume]: :P Well git on it girl!

2011-03-23 [smakeupfx]: Entertain us!!

2011-03-24 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: -juggles- xD
Tim there is slight irony in that, my username on a dorky virtual pet site is entertain xD

2011-05-04 [smakeupfx]: i'm all about the irony my friend ;P

2011-05-14 [Guishy]: i like how you do the "talim goes" "ernest goes"...XD

2011-06-23 [Eyonic]: totally looked at them all, very muchly wowd by you talent :D

2011-06-23 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: (: Thanks! I appreciate it :3

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